
  • November 16, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: One or more Hula Hoops

How to Play: Players stand in a circle, holding hands. A hula
hoop is placed between any two players, resting over their clasped
hands. Players pass it around the circle while still holding hands.
The goal is to effectively cooperate and pass the hoop around the group
without letting go of hands.

Plan for Success: Be sure students can fit through the size of Hula Hoop you have.

Crazy Walk

  • November 14, 2011
  • origins

Thanks to Mrs. Craig’s 4-6 Grade Class, Valley Crossing Community School,
Woodbury, MN

Materials: None

Closed Eye

  • November 14, 2011
  • origins


Players shut their eyes and the teacher chooses someone to begin.
The player who is chosen opens his eyes and says “Good Morning ____________,” to
the player of his choice in the circle. When the player being greeted hears her
name, she opens her eyes, returns the greeting, and then greets someone else
whose eyes are still closed. The greetings continue until everyone has been

After the greetings are finished it is useful to follow with a
How did it feel to have your eyes closed?

Secret Partners

  • November 14, 2011
  • origins

Materials: Name

How To Play: Players are given another player’s name at the
beginning of the day or week. They are not to reveal the name they have received
to anyone else, as this other player is to be their Secret Partner. Students pay
attention to what their partner does and says, so that at the end of the day or
week each can share an acknowledgment of her partner, either verbally or in


  • November 14, 2011
  • origins


How To Play: Anyone can call out an acknowledgement to anyone
else, without raising hands or taking turns. This version takes away some of the
embarrassment factor in giving and receiving an acknowledgement, because it
de-emphasizes each particular compliment. It generates a general feeling of
well-being in the group.


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials needed: A copy of the Googleheim frame for each team

Choose a word to go in the left-hand column and categories to go into
the top columns of the grid. Place students into teams of 4-5 players.
Team members work together filling in the grid as much as they can with
their joint knowledge. After a set amount of time teams come back to
the whole group and share their grids.

Sample grid:

Freeze Frame

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: None

How To Play: Working in groups or individually, students are
given events or objects related to a topic. They have a few minutes to
plan out a frozen scene or freeze frame, (not a pantomime). Without
asking questions, the audience guesses the subject of the freeze frame.

Topic: A current novel
Freeze frame what you feel was the most important scene of the book.
Freeze frame your favorite part of the book.

Five-Line Frantic Football

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials Needed: A football; a large, flat outdoor or indoor
space with identifiable sidelines, a midfield line, and goal lines; a
whistle; a coin

Five-Base Rapid-Fire Kickball

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials Needed: A large, flat outdoor or indoor space, a kickball, five bases, and a pitching circle


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: A die

How To Play: The game begins by players mingling in an open
space. A die is rolled, the number called out, and players hook arms in
groups matching the number on the die. For example, if a four is
rolled, players must hook arms in groups of four. Those left over are

DD Kickball Madness

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials Needed: A large, flat indoor or outdoor space, a kickball of any size or thickness