Capture the Flag

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: 2 flags, rope or cones to mark boundaries

Bronco Tag

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Large, open play space

How To Play: All but two players form pairs and stand facing the
same direction. The rear player holds onto the waist or shoulders of
the front player. The front player’s hands are free. These pairs are
randomly scattered in the playing area. One of the two free players is
the chaser (It) and the other is the pursued.

Blanket Volleyball

  • November 9, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 1 – Acquainted

Materials: Two large blankets or sheets; a playground ball

How to Play: Divide the students into two groups. Give each
group a sheet or a blanket of the same size. The goal of the game is to
see how many times the groups can successfully pass the playground ball
back and forth, from blanket to blanket.

Alphabet Volleyball

  • November 9, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: A volleyball, playground ball, or foam ball.

How To Play: The player chosen to be the leader hits the ball up
in the air and all the players chant the letter “A.” The next hit is
“B” and so on. The goal is to successfully hit the ball into the air 26
consecutive times, calling out letters A through Z without letting the
ball fall to the ground. A player may hit the ball more than once but
not two times in a row. If the ball touches the ground the game starts
again at A.

Everybody’s It Tag

  • November 4, 2011
  • origins

Community Level 1 — Acquainted

Materials: None

How To Play:  Select a caller. When the caller says, “Everybody’s
It”, students chase each other. When one student tags another, the
tagged student remains frozen. If two students tag each other at the
same time, they can decide whether to freeze or keep running.
After a few minutes or when a lot of people are frozen, the caller
shouts “Everybody’s It” again and all students are unfrozen and running