Shrinking World
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: Large, open space; hula hoops (preferably of different sizes) or pieces of rope to create circles
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: Large, open space; hula hoops (preferably of different sizes) or pieces of rope to create circles
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How To Play: One player is chosen to be It. It goes around the
circle as the rest of the group asks her questions, one question per
player. There is always only one response to each question: “Sausages!”,
and the response must be given with a serious demeanor. The goal of the
game is to get the player who is It to crack a smile. Once she smiles
she sits down and the person who made her smile becomes the new It.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: Beanbags 5 colors
How To Play: Players stand in a circle and number off from one to
five. Leader explains the beanbags are royal jewels which need to be
guarded for the royal family and places the beanbags in the center of
the circle on the floor.
The names of the jewels are:
Red = ruby
Purple = amethyst
Blue = amber
Yellow = gold
Orange = amber
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How To Play: In this game, players make a series of sounds that
imitate the coming and going of a rainstorm. Select a leader for the
game who initiates the sound in the following order:
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How to Play: The leader turns to the player on his right and
frowns. This player turns and frowns at the person on her right and so
on around the circle. The frown must be mean looking.
Leader now smiles to the person on his left and that person passes a
smile to the left. The smile is passed until all have received it. The
smile should be genuine.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: Recorded music or percussion instrument
How To Play: Create a circle with one less chair than players
and play recorded music or a percussion instrument. When the sound
stops, players sit in the chair nearest them. The one without the chair
is out and becomes the sound player or maker.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials Needed: A large, flat outdoor or indoor space, six
soccer balls, two soccer goals, and cones or equivalent for playing
field boundaries.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How To Play: Seated and in partners, players face each other,
hands up in front, palms facing-close but not touching. They take turns
leading and following. One player leads and the other follows. The
object is for the leader to move her hands and the follower to imitate
as exactly and simultaneously as possible, as if a mirror reflection.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How To Play: Warm Up: Leader call outs a shape and players create
that shape with their body. Practice creating shapes in low, middle,
and high space. Low space is closest to the floor, high is at or above
heads, and middle is in between. Shapes can be described as low,
twisted, high curved, etc.
1. Players find a partner and then choose roles of inventor or reflector
for the first round. Roles will switch for subsequent rounds.
Community Level 1 – Acquainted
Materials: None
How to Play: The person who is It, in this game It is Kitty,
walks around the circle and says to a student, “Kitty wants a corner,”
and the student responds, “Ask my neighbor.” Meanwhile, one student
makes eye contact with another and they nod, which is an agreement to
switch seats. They switch seats without letting the Kitty get the seat.
The object for the Kitty is to steal someone’s seat. The person whose
seat gets stolen is now the Kitty.
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: None
How To Play: Ask for student volunteers to be responders in the following call and response chant.
All: “Jig-a-low, jig, jig, a-low” (2 times)
“Hey ___________ !”(name of someone in circle)
Person named: “Hey What?”
All: “Can you jig?”
Person named: “Jig what?”
All: “Jig-a-low?”
Person named: “I raise my hands up high” (raise hands over head)
Community Level 3- Comfortable
Materials: Outdoor space