Empathy Talk Show

  • November 21, 2016
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 1

Materials: None

How to play: Group students in pairs.  In each pair, one plays the role of a talk-show host. The other plays the role of the guest on the show. Present each pair with a scenario that allows students to be empathetic. The goal is for the host to elicit an empathetic response by drawing ideas from the guest about some of the experiences, feelings, and attitudes associated with that scenario.

Self Made Symphonies

  • November 21, 2016
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 1

Materials: None or simple materials from the classroom

Group Call and Response

Begin in a circle with a simple clapping and leg slapping beat. Once the group is in sync, “call” out a four beat improvisation for the group to copy then go back to the beginning rhythm for four beats. Once the leader has made a few as a practice, pass the improvisation around the circle.

Desk Jam Trios

Stone Rhythms

  • December 21, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Polished river stones (sold at craft stores), two stones/student

How to Play: Everyone in the circle gets two stones. First
explore the stones and what they can do. (See Plan for Success below.)
You can then make rhythms together in a number of ways:

Mirrors / Do This!

  • November 18, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: None

How To Play: Seated and in partners, players face each other,
hands up in front, palms facing-close but not touching. They take turns
leading and following. One player leads and the other follows. The
object is for the leader to move her hands and the follower to imitate
as exactly and simultaneously as possible, as if a mirror reflection.


  • November 16, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: One or more Hula Hoops

How to Play: Players stand in a circle, holding hands. A hula
hoop is placed between any two players, resting over their clasped
hands. Players pass it around the circle while still holding hands.
The goal is to effectively cooperate and pass the hoop around the group
without letting go of hands.

Plan for Success: Be sure students can fit through the size of Hula Hoop you have.

Crossing the Great Divide

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: String or chalk

How To Play: Using string or chalk, create a center line in the
space. Starting in one, big line, players break into teams of 4 to 6.
Teams line up facing each other across the room or space. For example,
there could be 3 teams of 4 per side, each competing against a team on
the opposite side. Each player’s feet are touching the sides of the
adjacent players’ feet.

Copy Cat

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Players form a circle. Each player silently chooses
another player in the circle to watch. On the go signal, players
imitate the actions of the players they are watching. This creates a
kind of controlled chaos as players change their actions to match other
players who are also watching and matching other players.


  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 1 – Acquainted

Materials: Names of objects printed on note cards prepared ahead of time

How To Play: Divide class into groups and hand out note cards
with objects named. Players “build” their object using only the members
of the group. For example, groups could build a bus, a helicopter, a
merry-go-round, and a waterfall. The group configurations can be
moveable or stationary. Groups share one configuration at a time while
the rest of the class guesses what the object is.

Circle Rhythm Clap

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Everyone stands in a circle. The leader turns to
face the player on her right with palms up. The other player raises his
hands and they clap each other’s hands, attempting to clap hands
simultaneously. This continues around the circle. To finish, the whole
group attempts to clap simultaneously.

Plan for Success: Model and practice safe clapping between players.

All Aboard

  • November 9, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 3 – Comfortable

Materials: A 2’x2′ wooden or cardboard square

How To Play: Participants must see how they can all fit on a
platform (2′ x 2′ or other size) at one time. The group must have all
feet off the surrounding ground for 5 seconds. Players can be held up
with no feet touching the platform.