Human Touch
Community Level 3- Comfortable
Materials: Outdoor space
Community Level 3- Comfortable
Materials: Outdoor space
Community Level 1 – Acquainted
Materials: Large, open space
How To Play: Two or three players are It, and one player acts as
the doctor. Players move within boundaries and avoid being tagged by
the Its.
When tagged the first time, a player places a hand where she was tagged
(as if covering the wound) and keeps moving to avoid being tagged again.
When tagged the second time, a player places his other hand over the new wound and keeps moving.
Community Level 1 – Acquainted
Materials: Large, outdoor space marked with game boundaries
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials Needed: A football; a large, flat outdoor or indoor
space with identifiable sidelines, a midfield line, and goal lines; a
whistle; a coin
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials Needed: A large, flat outdoor or indoor space, a kickball, five bases, and a pitching circle
Community Level 1 – Acquainted
Materials: Large outdoor space marked with game boundaries
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials Needed: A large, flat indoor or outdoor space, a kickball of any size or thickness
Community Level 1 – Acquainted
Materials: An open space with marked boundaries, a center line, and a safety zone for two groups
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: String or chalk
How To Play: Using string or chalk, create a center line in the
space. Starting in one, big line, players break into teams of 4 to 6.
Teams line up facing each other across the room or space. For example,
there could be 3 teams of 4 per side, each competing against a team on
the opposite side. Each player’s feet are touching the sides of the
adjacent players’ feet.
Community Level 2 – Familiar
Materials: A ball or two the size of a soccer ball, soft and not too bouncy
Community Level 3 – Comfortable
Materials: Two playground balls, outdoor space
How to Play: Half the players go into the center of the circle.
The other half forms a circle around them. Give two playground balls to
the outside circle. Players on the outside throw the ball and the
players in the center are out when the ball touches them from the waist
down. The players who are “out” become “in” and switch places with the
player who hit them with the ball. This variation makes the game
fast-paced and continuous.
Community Level 2 – Familiar
Materials: Two tennis balls per team and markers, large open space
How To Play:In this relay, two teams of eight compete against each other. There can be as many pairs of teams as you have players.
For each team, mark one tennis ball with a T for TAXI and mark the other
ball with a P for PLANE (you could use two different colored balls for
this instead of tennis balls).