ESP (Extra-sensory perception)

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: Divide the whole group into at least three or four
groups. Each group comes up with an action and a sound in private. At
the count of three the Leader says ESP and everybody does their action
and sound. Everybody looks around and notices who is doing what. The
goal is to end up with everybody doing the same action and sound at the
end. It may take several rounds as groups compromise and do other
groups’ actions and sounds.

Elephant, Palm Tree, Boat

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: The group sits in a circle. The teacher points to a
player and says her name, following immediately with the name of one of
three objects: Elephant, Palm Tree, or Boat. For example, the teacher
says, “Sandra, elephant.” This player and the players immediately to
the right and to the left, stand. The three players then pantomime the
named object, using the following specific movements.


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

Everyone holds hands in a circle. The first player passes a squeeze to
his neighbor. The neighbor then passes the squeeze to her neighbor.
The squeeze continues around the circle until it reaches its starting
point. The goal is to make the squeeze go quickly around the circle.

Plan for Success: Model and practice gentle squeezing.

Dinah’s Gone

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: This is a call and response game. The object is to call and respond quickly, but creatively.

Leader: “Dinah’s Gone!”
Group: “How did she go?”
Leader: “She went like this ___.” (and makes a movement)
Group: “Oh, she went like this ___.” (and they repeat the movement)

The job of the leader or caller moves one player to the right or left. The game continues until all have played.

Dictionary II

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Dictionary

How To Play: Using a dictionary, the leader (teacher or student)
picks and reads aloud a word relevant to current areas of study or
daily life, but one that many students do not yet know. Students write
possible definitions. The leader collects the definitions in a box,
along with the correct one. After students take turns reading them all,
they can choose which one they think is correct.


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Dictionary

How To Play: Using a dictionary, the leader (teacher or student)
picks a word relevant to current areas of study or daily life, but one
that many students do not yet know. Students can ask the leader yes or
no questions about the word and then try to guess what it is.

Plan for Success: Have a series of words prepared beforehand to help ensure quick searching through the dictionary.