Crazy Chairs

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Students sit in a circle. One person is chosen to
be It and stands in the middle of the circle (this will create and open
chair). It then tells the circle members sitting on either side of the
open chair which direction the circle should move. Circle members then
begin moving in that direction as seats becomes available to them. It
tries to work her way into the moving circle to occupy an empty chair.
The person whose chair It takes becomes the new It.

Copy Cat

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Players form a circle. Each player silently chooses
another player in the circle to watch. On the go signal, players
imitate the actions of the players they are watching. This creates a
kind of controlled chaos as players change their actions to match other
players who are also watching and matching other players.

Cooperative Feet

  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Form groups of players. Establish a starting line
and a finish line. Groups line up along the starting line, with each
group member standing side-by-side. Goal of the game is to work together
to move from the starting line to the finish line, always keeping sides
of players’ feet joined together (players may not break contact with
their neighbors’ feet on either side).


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Paper, pencils

How To Play: On several slips of paper, the leader or students
write nouns associated with a selected topic. Each player is given a
noun and then tries to make connections with other players’ words. When a
connection is made, the players stand next to each other. When the
leader notices connections are being made, he signals a brief stoppage
to allow players to notice the connections.

Topic: Astronomy


  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: The group chooses one player to go out of the room
and the others decide on an action word (verb). The player then comes in
and asks questions of the group in which he inserts the word coffeepot
for the verb e.g., “Do you coffeepot with friends?” “With what part of
your body do you coffeepot?” The guesser gets three guesses at the

Plan for Success: Decide how long the guessing player can ask questions before he must try to guess.

Clown Got Sick, The

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: This is a simple call and response game which keeps
all players active. Repeat the following group chant and action
sequence around the circle.
Student: The clown got sick.

Group: “How did the clown get sick?”

Student: “The clown got sick by doing this.” (action)

Group: “The clown got sick by doing this!” (group repeats the action)

Circle Rhythm Clap

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How To Play: Everyone stands in a circle. The leader turns to
face the player on her right with palms up. The other player raises his
hands and they clap each other’s hands, attempting to clap hands
simultaneously. This continues around the circle. To finish, the whole
group attempts to clap simultaneously.

Plan for Success: Model and practice safe clapping between players.

Circle Hockey

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: A ball or two the size of a soccer ball, soft and not too bouncy

Catch a Plane

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Two tennis balls per team and markers, large open space

How To Play:In this relay, two teams of eight compete against each other. There can be as many pairs of teams as you have players.

For each team, mark one tennis ball with a T for TAXI and mark the other
ball with a P for PLANE (you could use two different colored balls for
this instead of tennis balls).

Capture the Flag

  • November 10, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: 2 flags, rope or cones to mark boundaries