Jump In Jump Out

  • November 18, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: This game is a call and response circle game. The
group sings the song below to call a student to the center of the
circle. This game could also be used as a greeting later in the year or
when student demonstrate a high level of comfort with one another.

Group: “Jump in, jump out
Turn yourself about
Jump in, jump out
Introduce yourself!”

Person called to center: “Hi! I’m ___________”(his or her name)

I Want a Comfy Chair

  • November 17, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: The leader must count off the group consecutively,
telling everyone to remember their number (the leader takes the last
number). The object of the game is for the It to get a seat. This can
happen in two ways:

1) “My chair is hard”


  • November 14, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: One child leaves the room and will be it or the
guesser. Each child thinks of an animal and the sound that animal might
make. One child in the room is selected to be the hippopotamus. The
teacher can make this selection in public or private.

It goes around the circle and asks each child “who are you?”

Hand-Shoulder Tag

  • November 14, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 1 – Acquainted

Materials: Large, outdoor space marked with game boundaries

Funny Voices

  • November 14, 2011
  • origins

Materials: None

The first person to start the greeting
says, “My name is ___________ and I want you to greet me in a ___________
voice.” The class then responds by saying in that voice “Good Morning
_______________.” Some possibilities for different voices are: spooky, whisper,
loud, soft, baby, tough guy, squeaky, sing song, etc.

Plan for Success: Before beginning the
greeting brainstorm with the students different types of voices they can choose
for their greeting.

Hands Up!

  • November 14, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: None

How to Play: Seat players in a circle. This activity is both a game and a greeting.

Game, 2 Variations:

Guess Who!

  • November 14, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: Index cards and pencils

How To Play: Leader passes a blank index card to each player and
invites players to write answers to three questions. Leader collects
cards and reads aloud each player’s answers. Players listen to answers
on each card and guess who wrote them.

Example questions:
“What are three things we should know about you?”
“What is your favorite pizza topping?”
“What is your favorite school subject?”


  • November 14, 2011
  • origins

Materials: None

How To
Players take turns walking around the circle and shaking hands with
those they wish to acknowledge. When a hand is shaken, the “shakee” can ask why,
and then the shaker can state the reason. The “shakee” responds with, Thank

Acknowledgment Buffet

  • November 14, 2011
  • origins

Materials: Paper plates


Acknowledgment Buffet

Give students a paper plate and have them write their name in the middle. Have them arrange the plates at desks or tables. Students then wander the buffet and write a positive appropriate acknowledgment on four different plates. Signing their name after what they have written is optional. Each student’s plate should have four acknowledgments by the end. If they encounter a full plate, they move on to another. 


  • November 11, 2011
  • Sarah Biros

Community Level 2 – Familiar

Materials: A chart or chalkboard