Quiz, Quiz Swap
Students write quiz questions for other on cards, then swap and share new quiz questions.
- Students write questions on note cards with the answers on the back.
- Students mingle and find a partner.
- Each asks the question on the card and asks for an answer.
- Partners swap cards and move on to a new partner and begin the process again.
Empathy Talk Show
Community Level 1
Materials: None
How to play: Group students in pairs. In each pair, one plays the role of a talk-show host. The other plays the role of the guest on the show. Present each pair with a scenario that allows students to be empathetic. The goal is for the host to elicit an empathetic response by drawing ideas from the guest about some of the experiences, feelings, and attitudes associated with that scenario.
Self Made Symphonies
Community Level 1
Materials: None or simple materials from the classroom
Group Call and Response
Begin in a circle with a simple clapping and leg slapping beat. Once the group is in sync, “call” out a four beat improvisation for the group to copy then go back to the beginning rhythm for four beats. Once the leader has made a few as a practice, pass the improvisation around the circle.
Desk Jam Trios
Common Ground / Uncommon Commonalities
Materials: None
Rare Birds
Materials: Note cards
How To Play: Leader distributes a note card to each player. On the cards, players write their names and an answer to a question the leader poses. Collect the cards and read them to the class one by one. Players write or verbalize who they think is the “rare bird,” the person who gave the most surprising answer.
Possible topics for questions could include:
Reach Out Greeting
Students stand. When you state a category from the list below, everyone finds people who fit that category and greet them. Tell students that the idea is to greet as many people as possible before the category changes. You can gradually increase the degree to which students read out. To minimize seeking certain people, keep this greeting moving along by calling out a new category before movement stops.
Greet people whose eyes are not the same color as yours.
Greet people who have the same middle initial as you.
– A ball that can be passed around the circle
– A list of words with the sh- or the sha- sound at the beginning of the
How to play:
Form a large circle.
Choose a caller,
who stands outside the circle.
Choose a referee, who stands inside the circle.
Multi-partner Share
WishesCommunity Level 2 – Familiar As a closing everyone whispers a wish into his or her hand. Once everyone has whispered, count to three and release them together. This is a fun way to finish off the week. Variations: This activity could also be used for a sharing by having each student in the circle share their wish. Simultaneous ClapCommunity Level 1 – Acquainted As a closing, holding hands at the ready, everyone tries to clap at the same moment. This takes some practice and requires students to pay very close attention to each other. CheersCommunity Level 1 — Acquainted Use these cheers to acknowledge an individual or a group, or to add energy to the close of an activity or lesson. Alligator Beatnik Sparkle |